I really like therapies as the craniosacral therapy and it has worked for me since I tried it. Craniosacral therapy is a form of alternative bodywork, consisting in a gentle approach that works to relieve many tensions, problems and neurological disorders.
The therapist starts by using his hands to evaluate the craniosacral system by gently sensing all the parts of the body, feeling the motion and rhythm. Amazing to watch how the therapist always moves straight to the point of tension or problem. Stress is everywhere and our body is continuously working on balancing it, but by doing so, body parts get stiff and affect the craniosacral system and tensions arise and a deviation of skeleton parts and the nervous system are the results. All this can be fixed.
A light touch with skilled hands, as the ones of therapist Carlos Diaz, can take any tension away. I love that I do not have even to talk; he immediately senses my tensions and goes straight to it.
No matter if the tensions are in my feet, my lower back or neck, he very quickly makes disappear any tension, pain or problem. I believe in gifted hands and Carlos Diaz definitely has them!
Carlos over the years has created his own way of treating his patients. His technique is a mix of a gentle touch with his hands which reminds of a kind of Reiki, mixed with a kind of pressure touch of certain points in the body combined if needed even with a rehab. Pilates. Whatever Carlos combines, I always had a super quick healing process.
He even helped me with my tensions in my jaw due to some teeth restoration.
Combining this therapy with a right nutrition, exercise and a stress-free lifestyle will multiply the healing effect and prevent you from having more serious problems in the future.
Video: Kike Flores
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